Men's Doubles House League
Welcome to the WTC Men's Doubles League.
Participants will be contacted by the league convener prior to league start date, to let you know your initial time slot.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the season, please contact your 2024 League Convenor: Mark Klumper
Progressive Format
We will use a round robin format for the first two weeks of league play. The results of the round robin will determine the placement of each player on the court.
The progressive format begins when the two weeks of round robin play have concluded.
In the progressive format, the schedule is determined on a weekly basis. You must refer to the score sheet at the end of each evening to ascertain your playing time for next week's match. You should also check the schedule each week on the website to confirm your start time and court.
League Participants
The maximum number of league participants is 36. This may be increased based on demand.
League Rules
Match Duration
Each session is 75 minutes long: a 10 minute warm-up followed by 65 minutes of play. As a courtesy to others, please arrive before the warm-up commences. In order to maximize your warm-up time, please use two balls per court. A league convener will announce the start of the match and call “TIME” when time is up. Only completed games count.
Match Format and Scoring
Six games are to be played with the same partner. There are three rotations per night. No-ad scoring applies. This means at a score of 40:40, the team that wins the next point wins the game. Receivers choose who will receive the final point.
If the score of a game is in dispute, please go back to the point in the game where players agree on the score and continue from there. All players need to agree on the final score before leaving the court area.
Upon completion of the third rotation, please ensure all scores are on the score sheet provided. Subs need to be clearly indicated on the score sheet. Ensure that everyone is aware of the results and that you understand where you play next week. There is a 5 minute break between time slots to allow the players to complete the recording of results and exit the courts before the players for the next time slot enter the courts.
With 3 Players: Play a series of games 2 against 1 in this format:
- The player on the singles court always serves.
- The doubles team must return balls into the singles court; the single player returns balls into the doubles court.
- Players rotate positions clockwise after each game.
- Each player keeps track of the number of games they won while serving, and records that number in their total games won column of the score sheet. There is no need to track how many games you won while playing on the doubles court, as that count is cancelled out by the fact that your partner also won.
- Each player serves five times.
For example, in the first game of the match:
- Player 1 plays on the singles court, and serves
- Player 2 receives on the deuce side of the doubles court
- Player 3 receives on the ad side of the doubles court
After the first game everyone rotates clockwise:
- Player 1 moves to receive on the deuce side of the doubles court
- Player 2 moves to receive on the ad side of the doubles court
- Player 3 moves to the singles court, and serves the next game
With 2 Players: Play singles until last game is called.
If two players have the highest score for that evening, the player that is a higher placement on the score sheet moves up to the next higher court next week. If two players have the lowest scores, the player that is a lower placement on the score sheet moves down to the next lower court next week. Points earned by a sub are not included in the player's average. A no-show receives zero points and is placed fourth.
The season score is determined by accumulating the points you earned and dividing by the number of evenings you played. Standings will be posted on the WTC website at regular intervals throughout the summer.
Each player is responsible to find their own substitute. Not obtaining a sub is an inconvenience to the other players. A substitution list has been provided at the start of the season. A substitute must be a male member of the WTC. You can also try to contact a player who plays before or after your time slot.
If you are unable to obtain a sub you must notify a league convener more than 24 hours in advance of your match.
A substitute can only keep a player on the same court in position #3 or move them down one court.
If there is one sub on a court, and that sub won more games than at least one other player, the sub will be placed in position #3 at the end of the night. If the sub won the least number of games, or tied for the least number of games, the sub will be placed in position #4.
If there are two subs on the court, the subs will be placed in positions #3 and #4 at the end of the night.
If there are three subs, then the subs will be placed in positions #2, #3 and #4 based on the games won by the subs that night and the starting position of the person they are subbing for.
Having 4 subs on the court at the same time is the only situation where a sub can move a player up a court.
The score your sub achieves will not affect your overall standing during the regular season. However, during round robin play or playoffs, if a substitute is used, the maximum score will be 6 games won.
If you are subbing for a vacationing player, please communicate with each other regarding rainouts and playing time changes.
No Shows
A "no show" is someone who does not show for their match or shows up after “start the game” has been called. A no show for a session of tennis will result in the player receiving zero points for the session and being placed fourth on the court which results in moving down a court for the next week of play. The player will also be issued a warning. If a person is a no show twice, the player will likely be removed from the league.
Playoffs will be held over two weeks in September, with a third week reserved as a rain date. Everyone qualifies for the playoffs. The regular season standings determine the player’s playoff position. The winner of each court is the person that earns the most points that evening. Ties are broken based on the regular season standings.
If one game is rained out during an evening, the entire evening is a rain-out. Please check the club web site and/or your email at 6:00 p.m. for a decision. Rain-out games will not have to be made up. There is no change of positions for the next week.
Time Change
Each group of players will move time slots - timing to be determined. Should you have any questions regarding time changes, please speak to the league convenor(s).
And, finally:
All decisions made by a league convener are FINAL.
Good luck and have FUN!
#168 Men's Doubles League Format and Rules, Updated March 4, 2023